Friday, October 23, 2020

News Humor for Week Ending Friday, Oct 23, 2020


1.   A North Carolina man was charged with attempted fraud after applying for $6 million in Paycheck Protection Program loans using fictitious names from the medieval drama "Game of Thrones"  ***  Federal authorities rejected his application and told him he missed the filing deadline by about 1,000 years.


2.   A fashion magazine’s series on seasonal fashion trends includes an article on “14 New Fall Styles.”  *** Call me old school, but I still prefer the classic style, where I’m walking along and my feet just kinda slip out from under me. 


3.   The San Diego Zoo’s gorilla exhibit has been temporarily closed to repair the viewing window which was cracked when a few gorillas got riled up and began running around the enclosure, and one gorilla aggressively slammed another one into the glass.   ***  The police are now asking for the public’s help in identifying the visitor who showed the gorillas a professional hockey game on his cell phone.


4.   Icon, the maker NordicTrack and other fitness machines, is suing competitor Peloton, claiming the design of Peloton’s new stationary bike infringes on several Icon patents.   ***  Icon claims it invented the general concept of a bicycle that wouldn’t actually go anywhere even if you did use it, as well as specific design features such as timer-activated fans to periodically blow off the dust and handlebars that double as clothes racks.

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