1. Although many observers are giving Michigan
governor Gretchen Whitmer high marks for her response to COVID-19, President
Trump slammed her in an interview on the Sean Hannity Show, saying, “…she's not stepping up. I don't know if she knows what's
going on, but all she does is sit there…”
*** At which point Mr. Hannity
leaned forward and whispered, “Excuse me, Mr. President, but you’re looking at
a photograph.”
2. In a study in the “New England Journal of
Medicine,” researchers found that the surface material that kills virus cells
the fastest is copper. *** Coincidentally, “Copper” pretty much describes
the money left in my retirement account.
3. When asked why he doesn’t speak up at press
briefings when President Trump says something that’s not true, the diminutive Dr. Fauci said, “I can’t jump in front of
the microphone and push him down.” ***
“But next time I might bite his ankles.”
4. The
Kardashians say they are adhering to CDC’s recommendations and maintaining a person-to-person
separation of at least 6 feet. *** Or,
in Kardashian units, about 2 kimbutts.
5. COVID-19 researchers say “social distancing” can
reduce a person’s risk of getting infected. *** Their
first clue was when they studied the first 1,000 patients and found there wasn’t
a single engineer.