Friday, October 26, 2018

News for Week Ending Friday, Oct 26, 2018

1.   In the flurry of letter bombs recently sent out, one of them had been mis-addressed and was returned to sender.   ***   Police suddenly remembered a similar scenario many years ago and have put out an APB for a Wile E. Coyote.

2.   Dorcas Reilly, the woman who invented the green bean casserole while working at Campbell Soup, has died at the age of 92.  ***  Funeral services will be held this Saturday, followed by a luncheon. In lieu of casserole dishes, the family is requesting flowers.

3.   Using computer graphics software, researchers in England have been able to create an image of “the world’s sexiest man.”  ***  Actually, it was easy—they just took a picture of a random guy and then Photoshopped him holding the winning $1.6 billion lottery ticket.

4.   For six years Wikileaks’ Julian Assange has been sheltered in Ecuador’s embassy in London, but now he is suing his hosts because they are making him personally take care of his cat and jamming his access to the Internet.  ***  I can certainly understand Mr. Assange’s outrage—there’s nothing worse than having a cat and not being able to post videos on Facebook.

5.   Today President Trump will attend a Houston rally to praise Ted Cruz, but some people are accusing him of hypocrisy because during the presidential campaign he referred to Mr. Cruz as “Lyin’ Ted.” ***  Duh, it was a compliment.

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