Friday, October 16, 2020

News Humor for Week Ending Friday, Oct 16, 2020


1.   Actress Margaret Nolan, whose gold-painted body was the backdrop for the opening credits of “Goldfinger,” has passed away at the age of 76.   ***  Today’s riddle:  How is a gold-plated “Bond Girl” like a blow-up doll? They both become more valuable with inflation.


2.   Wells Fargo recently fired more than 100 employees for misrepresenting themselves to obtain money from a relief fund for small businesses.   ***   In a fraudulent attempt to capitalize on the Wells Fargo brand, the employees had identified their jobs as “stationmaster,” “stagecoach driver,” and “that guy who sits by the driver and carries a shotgun.”


3.   The German government has warned the King of Thailand, who frequently travels to Bavaria for extended stays, to stop trying to rule his country remotely from German soil.   ***  The monarch’s arrangement came to light when a Thai citizen noticed that the king’s most confusing edicts always seemed to coincide with Oktoberfest.  


4.   Wesley Barnes, the American who faced a prison sentence in Thailand for posting a negative review of the Sea View resort, has apologized for his blunt online comments and, in exchange, the resort has dropped its complaint.  ***   In a negotiated compromise regarding future reviews, authorities said Mr. Barnes would be allowed to include an occasional negative comment, and Mr. Barnes promised to use bold font, all caps, and multiple exclamation points only for the positive stuff.

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